Warring Warren and Other Short Short Stories

Flash fiction? A complete short short story with beginning, middle and ending that leaves the reader satisfied? Laugh and cry with Warring Warren, a hero whose widow tells his story – about a man who smiled through adversity, never letting the side down. Never. Or read Dracula’s End and feel sympathy then horror at the Stoker grandfather, father and son – two of which reach sticky ends. In fact, there are other murder mysteries in this collection too and stories with poignant endings that make you sigh; then there’s humour and pathos as well.

Each in only 500 words. And a plus: find out the personal story behind how the author came to write each story.

Here are 26 short short stories to grab your attention, just right to read before bed…or on the train…or while waiting for the dentist. Shrewd, alarming, ironic, or affecting your heart, the short short story can grab you, upset you or make you laugh, but is never humdrum.

And it’s all on one page.


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